Web Sitez Unlimited
Web Sitez Unlimited
2915 Kentbrook Court
Kennewick, WA 99338
Email: wsu@sitez.com
WSU offers customized web site solutions for any business need. At one time or another, most of us have probably experienced a beautiful web page that took 10 minutes (or longer) to download. Do you think your customers would wait that long for your page? WSU optimizes all web sites for quick access to minimize download time. Our web servers utilize state of the art technology like Silicon Graphic Servers, Cisco 7000 Series Routers, and T3 OC3 Fiber Optic connections to the internet (28 times faster than T1). All turn key web site packages include the following:
Design and develop up to four (4) hyper linked pages
Design and develop one automated information request form. Form will provide automated response sent to any e-mail box you choose.
Creation of graphics and image maps used in your pages (up to 3 per page or 12 per site).
Digitizing of pictures you wish to include in your page (up to 4 per page or 16 per site).
Automated e-mail forwarding to your present e-mail box (if needed, one private e-mail box will be provided at no charge).
Creation of upload site on the web server and posting pages to the site.
Registering web site with 15 major search engines so your customers can find you.
Web Sitez Unlimited © 1996
