15321 Main St. NE
Duvall, WA 98019
Tel: 1-877-VIANET-USA
We develop fully customizable professional web design, affordable by small businesses.
All the websites that we build are Search Engine Optimized, with site contents that are develop not only to please Search Engines, but also to persuade the Target Market to take action. The very foundation to any successful online marketing strategy!
Website Development
Custom website designers at VIANET have the knowledge and expertise to develop the best e-commerce web solution for your business.
We develop effective custom websites that address your company's needs and goals.
Our knowledgeable web programmers make it possible to build websites with:
•growth flexibility
•self-maintainable system
•user-friendly database structure
•e-commerce feature
•information security solution
While our creative graphic designers focus on creating layouts that are:
•attractive and eye-catching
•ADA compliant
•Reflects image of your company
•Inline with your marketing strategy
Online Marketing
Vianet Web Design partners with Ad|customers to bring you the most effective web marketing solution.
Ad|customers is a web marketing firm in Monterey, California that specializes in bringing people to your website. Most people begin their search for products and services using the Google search engine. They generally end their search on the first page of search results. That's where you want to be!
Look closely at a page of Google search results. Notice the advertisements on the right side. These ads are on the page because an advertiser has bid on the very keyword or phrase you used to get to that page. For instance, if you search for "personal injury attorney", the search result page will return paid ads for personal injury attorneys. Some lawyers may have been clever and bid on phrases such as "how do I sue after I was injured in an accident." If you type in that phrase, only lawyers who bid on that phrase will show up. Knowing what keywords or phrases to use requires specialized research, and is one of the services Ad|customers provides.
To the left of the paid advertisements, and occupying most of the page, are the free search results. Placing high in those results is the goal of every website owner. Perhaps you have experienced the frustration of not showing up in the organic results (or showing up on page 5). Ad|customers can optimize each page of your website to improve your organic placement. Over a period of time, your page can move higher in the results.
Ad|customers can drive traffic to your website. Talk to your Vianet representative about how you can benefit from search engine optimization and marketing.
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