502 North Mullan Road, Suite B
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
509.343.9660 (phone)
509.926.1051 (fax)

The ePIVOT story is unique among the chronicles of small Internet companies in the last decade. During an era that witnessed a surge of "boom and bust" within the .com industry, we have enjoyed a steady pattern of business growth and technological development. Our history is characterized by themes of stability and enduring relationships amidst a climate of rapid change.

We began doing business in 1997 as Empire Professional Solutions. The web revolution was rapidly gaining momentum and the business world was beginning to recognize the potential of online technology. Our websites relied on pure HTML programming. We were grateful to acquire our first two customers - Post Falls School District in northern Idaho, and Northwest Farm Credit Services, headquartered in Spokane, Washington. We worked from the Northwest FCS building, alongside our largest customer, and had only one employee.

Today, so much has changed, and yet so much remains the same. While we continue to answer to the "EPS" acronym, we are now EPIVOT SOLUTIONS, INC. Web-based business tools aren't novelties anymore; they're essentials. Our websites reside within a portal and utilize SQL and .NET programming. While Northwest Farm Credit Services and Post Falls School District are no longer our only clients, they are still our oldest and most experienced customers. Our customer base has expanded to include clients across the country and in a variety of industries. Nonetheless, we continue to be Farm Credit web development specialists. We still visit the Northwest FCS campus regularly, but our operations are based in the Spokane Valley. In 2007, our first employee celebrated his tenth anniversary with the company. The ePIVOT team has expanded to include nine employees and two contractors.

The secret to our success? We've simply tried to stay true to our values.

Integrity - We strive to do "the right thing" in daily business decisions and customer interactions. Our integrity has earned the long-term retention of both our customers and employees.

Insight - We invest in understanding our clients' businesses. Our expertise has been rewarded by numerous referrals within the Farm Credit industry.

Innovation - We're proud of our technical ingenuity and passion to continually improve. Our innovation is evidenced by the ever-expanding inventory of ePIVOT tools and frequent comprehensive upgrades to our software structure.

We've lived by these values since the beginning and will continue to operate by them in the future.

Search Engine Optimization Consulting

Search engine positioning is a fiercely competitive, high-stakes endeavor. Some choose to short circuit the competition with big dollar advertising, while others attempt to beat the system with devious tactics. At EPS, we offer our customers a different approach to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We don’t demand big budgets and we don’t employ trickery. We do provide practical help for working smarter with search engines.

Research and Education
Our SEO expert, Frank Dailey, enjoys perusing volumes of technical information and is pretty good at distilling and articulating the key points. In a growing collection of articles, called the Positioning Papers, Frank shares his SEO insights in plain language. The intricacies of indexes and algorithms, page rank calculations, and keyword popularity/competition ratios are demystified. The dynamic and complicated considerations of SEO are condensed into manageable principles for website design and content development. Specialized and emerging topics like personalized search, local searches, and social search sites are also addressed. The Positioning Papers are a complimentary resource offered exclusively to ePIVOT clients.

Using specialized software and online tools, we can compile a comprehensive analysis of a website’s search engine performance. These reports are customized to meet the needs of the customer, but typically feature a history of the website’s ranking on each of the major search engines using relevant keywords, highlight significant trends and user activity patterns, and offer comparative evaluations with competitor’s pages. We can also analyze the popularity and competition for potential keywords, helping you “target” those keywords most likely to provide favorable search positioning.

You have expertise in your unique marketplace, customer base, products, and services. Our experience is in constructing websites according to solid SEO principles and leveraging opportunities to increase a website’s exposure on external websites. Therefore, maximizing your website’s search engine visibility with the right audience needs to be a joint effort. We listen to your internet marketing goals, review your past search engine performance, assess your current design and content, offer specific suggestions, and track improvement. You make the decisions, manage the implementation, and evaluate the results.

A new service is in the works for ePIVOT clients! Soon, we will provide each of our clients with a personalized monthly report outlining web traffic statistics and search engine performance for their websites. This service will be available only for ePIVOT clients.

Copyright © 2010 EPIVOT SOLUTIONS, INC.
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