Digital Provisioners
Digital Provisioners
536 Cedar Wood Lane,
Wenatchee WA 98801
The first question on your mind is likely, "How can these guys help me or my business?"
We have a new PDF that can help answer that (and help you answer that question for others). Print it, email it, pass it around however you like. Whether you work with us or not, it includes several key questions you'll want to ask your web developers and your web hosting company.
Back to the question: We'd like to tell you right now that we exist to help you make more money. Period.
We have two major areas of focus:
1. Ecommerce web site development
2. Web site traffic generation
Menu of Services
It is difficult to provide a specific price range for ecommerce development because it varies widely depending on the requirements of each project. We don't try to fit your business into a one-size-fits all ecommerce package--we are software engineers and we expect to write custom software to make your site fit your needs.
That having been said, so many potential clients have asked for at least a ballpark number that we feel obligated to at least provide this small (and approximate) menu of services:
•Ecommerce Web Site Development: $7,500 and up plus $250 per month for hosting. Please see our PDF for the enormous number of benefits you receive for the monthly hosting--and do note that we do not develop ecommerce sites that we do not host ourselves.
•Local-Search Optimization: $3,000 and up per web site
•Video Production: $250 per minute of final video
•Audio Production: $100 per minute of final audio
We not only create your e-commerce site, but we can also usually auto-populate your catalog from manufacturer data feeds on the front end, and integrate orders with your accounting system on the back end.
This has turned out to be magic for both our customers and us. We're talking a hands-free product catalog with incredibly flexible custom pricing and built-in extensibility. Need coupons? Customer affinity groups? Buying clubs? Our software already does all that and more.
Traffic Generation and SEO
Our clients have not only wanted to create large-scale online catalogs and ecommerce sites, but they also wanted us to leverage our expertise in driving paying customers to those sites.
For that reason we have become experts in two additional fields, local-search optimization and audio and video production.
Local Search Optimization
Thanks to mobile search via Droid®, iPhone®, Blackberry® and more, and as well as Google's huge emphasis on local business search results, it is now more important to be visible for online searches than it is to be in the phone book. Our clients are typically local "brick-and-mortar" businesses facing the challenges of taking their businesses online so they can compete in this new digital landscape.
Fortunately, local-search optimization is one of our primary core competencies. Our CEO, R.W. Lambert, is fast becoming a nationally recognized expert in this critical space. He has written extensively on the subject and is a frequest guest speaker at both teleseminars and special live events.
Audio and Video Production
Our mission is to make your business more profitable. It's what we do, and return on investment is a key metric for us. We don't produce audios and videos just to be cool: We've figured out how to maximize podcasts and YouTube videos for generating traffic to your web site. Turns out that we're not only pretty good at using them, but we're also pretty good at creating them. Check out Jay Jennings' work and I think you'll agree.
An Action Item For You
Please sign up for our DP News List in the Web Specials! form over on the right. This is our primary vehicle for sharing announcements, tips, and just generally spreading the love. That's right: We love to give away free stuff, coupon codes for discounts, etc. You'll be glad you signed up, we promise.
© 2010 Digital Provisioners, LLC
