Art Shotwell
Art Shotwell
1004 Commercial Ave, PMB 349
Anacortes, WA 98221
phone 360-299-0890

My Services

â– Designing your Web site to your specifications, with prices starting at $750 for a 10-page site
â– Authoring or editing content for your site
â– Maintaining your site
â– Hosting starting at $15/month
â– Registering your site with major search engines
â– Writing & editing your E-newsletter
â– Maintaining your E-Newsletter subscription list


I have been helping small businesses get on the World Wide Web since 1998. During that time I worked as a designer for two major national Web sites. Neither of which managed to ultimately succeed. I hope that doesn't say something about my work. Both companies ran short of money during what was called the Internet bust. But, I picked up great experience and knowledge during that time.
I hope some information on these pages tells you a little about how I work. Site Navigation is what makes a Web site usable. Once a site is built, Site Maintenance becomes important. Many of my clients prefer to maintain their own sites, but that's also something I do. I can also handle Web Hosting at a very reasonable rate. Site Promotion is an important part of any marketing campaign. Remember: your Web site should be part of an overall marketing plan and as such you need to consider how to market your site.

Copyright 2002-2006 Art Shotwell Web Design
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