Kerr Marketing Communications
Kerr Marketing Communications
6708 Fairway Avenue SE
Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9724
Office (425) 396-4496
Mobile (425) 830-0886

Kerr Marketing Communications has been providing businesses in the Pacific Northwest with full-scope, effective marketing and communications since 1976. Established by Gary Kerr, the company is situated at the heart of high technology in Washington State.

Gary's design education includes study under Abril Lamarque, a pioneer of graphic design and layout. He is a published author of feature articles for trade periodicals, has organized and conducted seminars on managing trade show activities, and developed and managed corporate marketing communications teams for several companies.

Gary holds the title of Certified Business Communicator (CBC), a well-earned mark of professional excellence from the Business Marketing Association.

Creative Services


•Website theme design
•Existing website content review and recommendations
•Website information architecture
•Competitor website research and assessment
•Meta keyword composition for search engine optimization (SEO)
•HTML page development
•Digtial image production
•Website maintenance




•Content strategy
•Slide template design
•Digital imagery and graphics

Design and Copywriting

•New releases
•Circulars, pamphlets and brochures
•Feature articles
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