GCI Ad Agency
GCI Ad Agency
1800 4th Avenue East
Olympia, WA 98506
Tel: 360-786-9657
Fax: 360-352-7305

Step into our office and you’ll notice we’re different (remember, it’s not polite to stare). Everything about our space purrs with collaboration and integration thanks to Connie Lovelady’s guidance and leadership. We are a well-oiled machine comprised of thinkers, strategists, and artists.

We exchange ideas amongst ourselves freely and let them refine each other until all rough edges become smooth and they become so explosive, the smallest spark will set them off. This is why no one smokes at the office.

GCI Ad Agency is where ego takes a back seat and it’s your needs that drive everything we do. Give us a call and you’ll see that we’re not blowing smoke. We're primed and ready to roll!

Unlike most magicians, we’re happy to share a few of our secrets… Nothing up our sleeves, no smoke or mirrors, just the many amazing benefits an ad agency can provide. Presto Chango! We’ll have you in the spotlight in no time; all we want is to wear the sparkly gown, make you look good on stage, and get sawed in half every now and then. So read on and you’ll see the many ways GCI can help your business gain prestige. As for the sawing us in half thing… that’s called a metaphor please don’t hurt us! We’re just here to help you out.

© 2009 Graphic Concepts, Inc.
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