Chand Marketing
Chand Marketing
183rd Place SE,
Bothell, WA 98012
Phone: 604 628 0292

Websites made for all types of businesses

For less that the cost of a small newspaper ad, you can own a website that will be on-line and marketing your business 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year! We can build an attractive, informative website for you that will help get your business noticed, bring in new customers and increase your profits.

Getting a new website made - explained in simple language There are four steps to getting your new website up and running on the internet.

1. Getting a Domain Name. This will identify your website. Each independent website has a different domain name.

2. The next step is to design and develop your website. 3. Once your website has been designed and developed, you still need to get it on the Internet so people all over the world can view your website. To make your website available on the Internet you need to basically rent space on computer servers that are connected to the Internet 24 hours a day. This is called web hosting. Many people do not realize this but there is a fourth step that is very important for website owners. Briefly explained, once you get your website made and hosted on the Internet, how do people find you? People searching on the Internet usually click on sites they see on the first one, two or maybe the third page. So how do you get your website to show up on the first few pages? This task is accomplished by using special keywords, meta tags when websites are made so as to achieve a favourable result and improve a websites ranking. This is called 'Search Engine Optimization'

What we do 1. We design and make your website. 2. We register a domain name for your website. 3. We host your website. 4. Search engine optimization for your website. 5. Submit your website to the major search engines. 6. Update and maintain your website We provide you with a complete package for your new website. This includes domain name, website design and development, search engine optimization as well as hosting. Our websites are well made and can include many features such as photo slide shows, 3D banners or flash animation. Many website designers either don't provide these features or charge extra for them. We can design and develop a custom website with features like animation, 3D effects etc for just $499. Our hosting price is just $10 per month.
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